I know you can read this by yourself, but you can ask your daddy for help with the words you do not know.
Our new home will be much closer to your daddy. It will take a half day to drive there. Look at the map. Put your finger on the biggest black circle - that's where you are now. Follow the black line to the end - that is where we will be living. It is much closer than living in South Korea. You will go to a new school where everybody speaks English and they have beautiful brown skin just like you!
It is hard to be here in Korea without you. I miss you so much, baby. I miss talking to you. I miss giving you kisses. I miss tickling you. I miss reading to you. I miss praying with you. But most of all, I miss cuddling with you every night. I can't wait to hold you again. There are only 56 days left!

I like taking care of the dog. I have to take it for a walk three times every day. I think we will like having a dog of our own when we move to South Carolina. Look at the different kinds of dogs in the picture. What kind to you like? I circled my favorite. We should get a dog from the animal shelter. A shelter is a place where lost dogs are found. They live in the shelter until someone comes to take them to a new home. We may not have as many choices as there are in the picture. We will just pick the one who likes us the most.
I am in the teacher's office right now. I am watching children's movies to see if they are good for the students here. I wish you were here to watch with me. You could tell me if the movie is good. You can watch the movie below. It's about how to get along with others. They get in a silly fight about which is better - tomatoes or blueberries. I love them both (one is a vegetable and one is a fruit!) Let me know what you think.
Here is a silly picture of me giving you a kiss on both cheeks!

Remember to say your prayers, little worm. I will write again soon.
Part Three
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